Mattox Family Christmas Portraits | Dayton, OH | Something Old Dayton

Whew!  The holidays are finally over!  I hope you all were able to spend some time with your loved ones or at least relax in your short time off, if you had any off at all.  I was able to spend some much needed time with my husband and reflect on my first year as a full time photographer. 

Although my first year was no where near what I was hoping it would be, I have discovered more about myself, the vision I have for Misfit & Co., built relationships with other businesses in the Dayton area, and met some pretty fantastic clients.  I’m eternally grateful for each and every single one of you entrusting me to capture all the moments that matter the most to you and that you continue to support me in this never ending journey.

One of the awesome families I met this past year were the Mattoxs when they booked their Christmas portraits with us a couple of weeks ago.  After the hectic schedules the holidays bring, I’m finally able to sit down and share their session with you.

Jing, Mike, Anderson, and Carter were extremely fun to photograph!

The boys took a little bit to warm up to me, but once they did it was nothing but smiles and giggles.

I just love Carter’s facial expressions when Anderson tried to give him a bear hug!

’Who are you lady to tell him to give me a hug?’

My favorite thing to do during holiday portraits, is to ask what the kids asked for Christmas or the holidays.

Anderson asked for a sporty race car!  I’m sure he was talking about a Hotwheels, Matchbox, or remote control car, but I said him and my husband would get along really well since my husband likes race cars too.  He was really shocked when I told him Anthony used to be a Drifting driver.

Look at those smiles!!!

And don’t these moments between Mike and the boys make your heart melt?!?!

Don’t forget the bond between a mother and her son(s).

I couldn’t think of a better way to end the season with such a fun and adorable family.  Anderson was so sweet and even thanked me for taking their pictures at the end of their session.  Join me in wishing the Mattox family a Happy New Year!