How to Rock Your Boudoir Session

Hey Ladies, let’s chat about boudoir sessions!  If you’re reading this then you’re probably either curious, nervous, or have already booked a session.  Boudoir photography has become increasingly popular over the past few years and for a very good reason. They allow us to escape the things that emotionally bog us down in our every day lives, pamper ourselves, creatively express our inner beauty and sexuality, but most of all empowers us to be confident in our own skin.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably used every excuse in the book to not have these type of pictures taken: I want to lose weight before I do this, I don’t like how I look, or I don’t feel confident about myself to be halfway indecent in front of a total stranger.  Girl, I feel you!

Every day we look in the mirror at ourselves and nit pick every little flaw because that’s what society and (most of) the beauty industry has taught us - we need to look a certain way and we need to be flawlessly perfect.

Say this with me: FUCK THAT SHIT. 

Scream it if you want, I’ll scream it with you!  FUCK THAT SHIT!

I’m here to tell you that no matter what shape, size, or color - you’re absolutely stunning.  We are human. We are not meant to be perfect in all aspects - we were created just as we were meant to be.  You deserve to let go, experience something new, and you deserve to feel good about yourself for once!

Inspired by my upcoming event with Hei-Jacked Productions, I’ve compiled a list of advice tips to help you confidently rock your boudoir session!

1.) Relax & Trust Your Photographer

You’ve done your research and you found a photographer who’s work you’ve fallen in love with, but you’re still nervous about getting in front of a camera.  If you’re not comfortable, nervous, aggravated, or experiencing any type of negative feeling, your body and facial expressions will reflect those feelings through the camera.  Your photographer will pose you and instruct you the best they can, but if you don’t like how you feel during your session you’re more than likely going to dislike your images.  Take a deep breath, meditate, drink tea, or whatever you do to relax your nerves before your session. Your photographer won’t ask you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with and will make sure to capture the best you possible.  You’re going to have fun, we promise!

2.) Outfits You Should Bring

Your Favorite Lingerie Set/Outfit -  We all have that one lingerie set or outfit that makes us feel like we’re hot shit.  You like how it looks on you and you like how it makes you feel. Bring that set/outfit to your session and WORK IT.  If you’re nervous about your session at all or you just tense up in front of a camera like I do, you’ll need that secret weapon to get that mojo flowing.

Piece of Partner’s Clothing -  It could be your partner’s service uniform shirt/jacket or even something as simple as one of their button up shirts (give me all the plaid!).  This gives your session a personal touch and extra meaning especially if you’re wanting to gift these images to your partner.

Non-Traditional Attire -  Who says you HAVE to wear lingerie to a boudoir session?!  If you’re not into that sort of thing, why not wear something that speaks more to you?  You could always snuggle up in a cozy over-size sweater, flaunt your curves or abs with a crop top and boy shorts, a band t-shirt  or a leather jacket with daisy dukes, a robe, or a light scarf with a fun pattern. Think outside the box, the possibilities are endless!

BRING EXTRA - Having too much to choose from is better than not having enough to choose from.  This also gives you a variety of styles and images to select from in your final gallery.

3.) Prep for your session

Try, try, & try on all of the outfits you plan to bring a head of time.  This allows you to see how you’ll look in the outfits ahead of time and throw out any contenders that aren’t as flattering as they used to be or the way you thought they would be.  It’s better to fix any problems ahead of time in the comfort of your own home than to be stuck with whatever you have during your session.

Wear the bare minimum to your session - As other professional photographers in the wedding industry suggest before your engagement/wedding portraits, avoid any piece of jewelry, accessories, and tight or restricting clothing that will leave imprints in your skin.  You sure as hell don’t want to be scrolling through your gallery and find an unflattering line from your bra or those jeans that make your ass look excellent in one of your favorite images.

Touch up everything - If you have colored hair and it’s a big deal to you, touch up your roots, book a mani-pedi, lay out in the sun or head to your favorite tanning salon if you're wanting sun kissed skin - avoid fake tans, and shave or wax all the areas you want to be silky smooth (the day of if possible).  If this normally isn’t anything you would do then skip it. 

Although all these details could make a difference, I believe that your images should reflect who you are as a person and doing things that aren’t your usual splurges then they’re not really worth the extra expense (unless you’re looking for that all out experience).  ALWAYS BE YOURSELF.

4.) Practice posing

As silly and outlandish as it sounds, I’m talking to all the awkward turtles out there who tense up in front of a camera.   Practicing some posing will work out all those pre-session jitters, give you an idea of what poses/positions feel natural to you, and an idea of how to control your facial expressions all in which will make you feel a little less funny and more confident during your session.  To make you feel a little less weird about it, I did this myself back in September for a local Pin-Up inspired Instameet.

5.) Most importantly - Have fun

You’re investing in yourself and in this experience, have fun while doing it.

You can find inspiration on what to wear or general posing ideas on our pinterest board.

Can’t make it to the event?  You can book a session at any time with us or Hei-Jacked Productions.

We can’t wait to work with you!

Studio & Furniture Rentals: Something Old Dayton | Make-up Artist: Camille