Wes’ Senior Prom Portraits | Miamisburg, OH | Cox Arboretum MetroPark

Can I let you in on a secret?  Pre-Prom Portraits are becoming one of my favorite sessions to photograph!  Now that I’m thinking about it, it really comes to no surprise since I always enjoyed going to school dances.

I first met Wes when I captured Kayla & his portraits last fall.  When Kayla asked me to capture his Senior Prom portraits a couple of months ago, I stopped what I was doing put it on the calendar for the evening off, and said yes!  I mean, who could deny this adorable couple?!

You know that song, “Does he love me I want to know, How can I tell if he loves me so?"  At one point in time I did believe the part of the lyrics that it was in his kiss, but the song is wrong in this case.  These two share such a special bond, you can tell with the way they interact with each other, how they talk to each other, but most importantly in the way they look at each other - especially in the way Wes looks at Kayla when she’s not looking or preoccupied with a boutonniere.

We first did the usual posed pictures, got a couple of detail shots, and of course portraits with the parents.  This is also the part where they chuckled at my ever elegant photographer pose - lol.

We then walked to my new favorite spot in Cox for the next series of portraits.  The weather was perfect and the background gave their pictures such excellent color.  Kayla’s mom even sneaked in a couple of cell phone pictures.

We made our way back toward the beginning of the entrance of the park to wrap up our session with a few candid shots and some impromptu dancing.

Every time I think I wrap up a session, I turn around and there’s another angle I like or my clients are doing something adorable, or my brain has processed a new idea.  My famous last words at each session “just a couple more shots” or “wait I have another idea”. That was definitely the case for these last shots.