Starr Family Christmas Portraits | Dayton, OH | Something Old Dayton

Last weekend I had the pleasure of capturing by far the sweetest little family I have ever met!

Owen and Emmett were shy at first, but after asking “Who’s the most ticklish” and “What’s your favorite cereal” they warmed up to me in no time!  Owen shares my love for Lucky Charms and Cheerios.

I love capturing natural and unposed moments, Owen and Emmett were such naturals in front of the camera I hardly had to give them any direction on what to do.

The brothers watched the lights blink and noticed the bunches of pine cones in the Christmas tree.  Emmett also inspected the faux present I handed him, I know the cruelest joke for kids, and tried to imagine what was inside.  Aren’t their smiles just precious?!??

I shared a family tradition with Emmett and Owen, that every year me, my brother, and my sister would get at least one present that we had to share with each other and then asked them if they received a present they had to share what would it be?

The answer: Jurassic World Lego Set.

That would be a present that would be tough to share!

As our session came to an end, we talked about who liked Christmas the most - Emmett says he doesn’t like Christmas, but I think his smile and Owen telling on him about being the first one up on Christmas morning says otherwise.

We wrapped things up with pajama party, a big group hug, and a tickle fight between brothers - we almost lost Owen!  There may or may not have been a bribe for donuts. The things you do for pictures, am I right?!

There’s no doubt the Starr family shares a special, loving bond that shines brightly through their images.  It was such an honor to capture this stage of the Starr family and I hope to capture more moments like these in the future.

Styled Christmas Set & Studio Rental: Something Old Dayton - Rentals + Studios

Cozy Green (2018) - Studio #94